The following is a partial list of the presentations Travis has previously given. The slides and sample materials are free for personal use. If you would like to utilize them for anything beyond that, such as presenting at company workshops or to facilitate team exercises, write me an e-mail at

Immutable State Management: Using Redux with Angular to Untangle Angular Application State

This covers how ng-rx ran with the Redux style implementation of the Flux design pattern to enable clean state management in Angular applications.
Presentation (PDF)

Designing for Volatility

An overview of volatility based decomposition and how it compares to functional decomposition.
Presentation (PDF)

Solid Principles

A discussion of the SOLID principles for software development. Because these principles play such a large part in managing volatility, this is a great follow-on to the Designing for Volatility presentation.
Presentation (PDF)


A brief overview of the concept of Micro-ORMs, followed by an introduction to one of my favorites: Dapper.NET.
Presentation (PDF) /  Resources

EcmaScript 6

This presentation briefly reviews ES6 and discusses some of the new features and syntax available.
Presentation (PDF) /  Resources


This presentation introduces Angular2+ with a focus on the overall framework design and highlighting of common concerns.
Presentation (PDF) /  Resources


An overview of authentication / authorization via the OAuth standard.
Presentation (PDF)